one should,
without fail, always be a gentleman, and I absolutely, at all costs, attempt to
be a gentleman. absolutely a gentleman because there is no gender neutral
description to say quite the same thing, and any word in the feminine feels too
flabby, too flirtatious and falling in, too wanton, easily swayed, and these
are things I am not. it is unfortunate that language has taken such a shift
because good manners have all been forgotten: no one reads or cares about Emily
Post anymore unless it's some bride-to-be planning the small world of her
wedding meticulously. so I regard myself as a gentleman, or at least by my
definition of one. however, I feel that more often than not, others do not act
with the same consideration, tact and tenacity.
one major aspect of being a
gentleman is boundaries, and these are not shifting, strange moveable things.
these are not lines in the sand; these lines do not change. these lines, as
much in this world as they can be, are absolute. so here are a few, and these
few are even more vital to know when you're dealing with those of another
1. my radius is not your radius. if
you and I are not close friends, family and you are not my husband, then you
have no right to touch me beyond standard greeting, which means that touching
my knee is never, ever under any circumstance, appropriate. but one should know
this, gentleman or not. this is easy to know.
2. a gentleman respects someone
else's time. along with boundaries, one does not demand the time of another.
not only is this rude when it comes to close friends, family and husbands, but
it is absolutely obscene when it comes to acquaintances. an acquaintance is in
no position to make demands on another acquaintance. if you are attempting to
make demands, force your time on another, and you are also disrespecting
physical boundaries, well sir or madam, you have become a creep and someone to
absolutely avoid.
3. socially, a gentleman never ever
bogarts a conversation, especially if the conversation is of an acquaintance
and of a personal nature. a story must be well-placed, and if it is not, find
another circle for your story. the world is a big room. as a second, do not
bombard an acquaintance with extremely long and detailed letters; those letters
are reserved for intimates. and do not send more than one letter at a time,
especially to an acquaintance. if he/she did not respond, he/she is busy, and
you are not an intimate.
4. if you run into an acquaintance,
never ever sit directly next to them or stand where you are touching. this not
only violates boundaries, but it's rude. face them or stand to their side. the
world is a circle and not a line, treat your interactions as such.
5. gifts are reserved for those
closest, with the exception of a gift of appreciation, which you would give a
boss, coworker, the man that's bagged your groceries for 20 years, your
son's teacher, etc. gifts of appreciation are rarely wrapped because they're
not about the hoopla; they're about the work that's already been done. they're
about gratitude. never give an acquaintance a gift. if you do, especially
if it is a gift between genders and especially if you and/or he/she is married,
and again, if you are an acquaintance, and by god, especially if it is wrapped,
you are absolutely, positively crossing a line. a gentleman would not only know
better, but he/she would address the gift to both the acquaintance and his/her
spouse and tell the acquaintance to open it when he/she got home.
6. never ever ever give unsolicited
advice, especially if you are an acquaintance. however, it may be worse to give
unsolicited advice as a friend because you may find yourself outside of the
Most ppl just don't get it. Great post!!! Very, very fun
Good tips on boundaries.
it may be an excuse, but I think a lot of people forget standard social etiquette because they're so used to being able to push into other lives through social media.
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