Monday, February 28, 2011

silver warhol dress / 200.

formally just a new year's dress, it went mid-thigh until i hacked the skirt into a tutu length mini and made a tiny tulle tutu that poofed to the max and makes the bottom of the dress look like a shiny black flower. i fell in love with the silver fabric. it reminds me of photos of the walls of warhol's factory
being that late 60s early 70s new york is among one of my worst obsessions (one that makes me constantly go back to new york and wonder where it all went and being ridiculously disappointed being that time truly ruins it all) and andy warhol being one of my top five favorite people of all time. but like all beautiful things, the fabric was weak-willed and liked to shred so i had to reinforce it a million times over and line it so it would not scratch when i dance wild.

and i made the lace along the bust out of the tulle that was left over from the big pouf under the tutu. so i got this pretty outrageous dress that doesn't go anywhere. often i dress totally over the top just because. just because i love the clothes in my closet and who cares. and you know, like warhol said, "an artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have." and needs keep terribly tight company.

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